The PM Benchmark Literacy Assessment 1 kit equips teachers with accurate and robust assessment tools to identify students’ instructional or independent reading levels. The resource offers a complete literacy assessment, allowing teachers to conduct reading records to effectively capture students’ progress in reading fluency, retelling abilities and comprehension within and beyond the text.
Key Features:
- Two texts per level - The PM Benchmark Literacy Assessment includes 60 brand-new contemporary texts (books and cards) from Level 1 to 30.
- Pre-level 1 - Assess a student’s literacy competencies in areas of oral literacy, phonological awareness and concepts about print.
- Post-level 30 - Extend fluent readers with six additional cards that target writing and deep comprehension skills.
- New pro forma structure - A new, clean Reading Record layout to capture students’ literacy progression.
- Procedure Cards - Detailed instructions to implement a consistent, whole-school approach to literacy assessment.
- Teachers’ Resource Book - Learn best-practice research on how to carry out benchmark assessments and implement strategies to extend fluent readers.
- Online Resources -A suite of digital resources including training videos and examples of reading assessment records.
- Access Online Resources including example reading records and videos
- Please note this item is non-returnable
Teacher Resources